The kids and I were in the car, running our usual Thursday activities - library, storytime, school work, then off to lunch and Wal-Mart. I was listening to the radio and I heard this quote "True life change comes from knowing the truth." It hit me, it moved my spirit to think of so many people who need that truth - the truth of Jesus' saving freedom! The kids starting talking to me, so I turned the radio down and moved on down the highway. After I returned home my sister Aprille had sent me the daily devotional Crosswalk. I started to not even read it - too busy you see...but my spirit told me: "read". So I did. It was about being a good mom versus a bad mom. Example: I handled an early morning whine with lots of patience and love: GOOD MOM! Snapped in anger at the kids b/c they were tired and fighting in the afternoon: BAD MOM! Well, It isn't about good and bad - moms have good and bad moments (might I add that my kids have good and bad moments, too!) As I thanked the Lord for such a nice encouragement, I began to think about all that I had read and heard during the day.
I am not a good OR bad mom - The truth is - I am a mom who needs Jesus everyday of her life, every moment. Without HIM - without HIS TRUTH (had I heard something about truth today?) - I am a wreck, a mess; I believe I am in condemnation. That is what we do to ourselves when we "mess up" in our life, with our children, with our relationships. So the truth is not only for the lost, but for me, too. I pray that the Lord will show me any way in me that is not of Him.
Heavenly Father, Shine your light of truth on me each day through your Word and the Holy Spirit. Change those old habits, hang-ups, and sins with your truth. Give me freedom. I gladly take it. Freedom from condemnation, freedom from always having to be right, freedom from being "perfect". I could go on and on...John 17:17 Jesus prays, "Sanctify them by the truth, your Word is truth." And our Lord and Savior Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. God bless you today!
Purposeful Purchase
8 years ago
Well said.
Blessings to you and yours this weekend! Love, Lisa
I didn't know you guys had a blog! THIS is fabulous news....or maybe I did know and I forgot :)
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