Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Secret Things, revealed

The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of the law. Deuteronomy 29:29

As I study God's Word I am so excited about the understanding that the Spirit gives me! It is wonderful to know that when you ask for understanding and wisdom He will give it to you. I love this verse and had to share it. When I read it today, it touched my heart so much. I want so much to pass down the 'revealed things' to my children, just as my parents and grandparents have done. No generational bondage, but generational freedom in Christ for my children and my grandchildren. In Jacob's words about family, "it keeps going and going." Always my prayer.

Monday, December 1, 2008

I had lunch with the cutest Pilgrim!

Last Monday Jacob and I had lunch with his sweet first grade class. We had a wonderful time. He was the most handsome pilgrim! His teacher said he made that cute hat, and he was class president that day, also. I love you Jacob!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Taylors Give Thanks...

God is so good!

I will start...I am thankful for parents and grandparents that taught me about Jesus! I am thankful for my sweet husband and precious children. -Christie

I am thankful for my family and for salvation through Christ. - Jason

I am thankful for my Mom (awww) and blocks. - Laura Rose

I am thankful for family and my toys. - Jacob

Update: We are all thankful for such a wonderful family to spend the holidays with. Thanks for all who came. The aunts, uncles, grandmas and cousins - it was so much fun! We are glad to be safely home again. Thanks be to God for all He has done and all He is going to do.


I am learning to set my mind to the things of the Spirit. When I waver - that is when the enemy gets an invitation to use me for an unholy purpose. Wavering tells the enemy I am willing to listen, I'll think about it. NO! I do not want to blend in to the things of this world, for the Lord has called me as one of His children. For a holy purpose.

That is my prayer for myself and my family, particularly my children. I want them to make up their mind to follow Christ, whole heartedly. To know truth when times of trouble come and when doubts creep in.

Jacob said something hurtful to his cousin Payton today. Jacob was broken-hearted over it. I love him so much and see such a tender heart inside of him. Please pray for Jacob as I feel that he is beginning to understand more what it means to sin and how much he needs the forgiveness of Christ Jesus. Praying: Lord - speak to Jacob's heart, give him understanding, do not let the enemy cause fear and doubts - no wavering - just setting his mind to knowing and living the truth of Jesus!

Laura Rose said...

to her Dad, when he told her she had her shoes on the wrong feet - "But Dad, these are my feet!"

Monday, October 27, 2008

October Family Fun

Fun at the park w/ Cousin Payton.
Gardendale, AL

Look at these 3 cuties!
Payton, Jacob & Laura Rose

These 2 ran and ran
at the park!

Hot dogs & AL football!

Fire prevention parade
Jackson, AL

Laura Rose & Jacob
caught lots of candy!

Walden farm is so much fun!
Jacob loved the corn maze.

Right out of the corn maze.
These 2 loved going in
alone and seeing Mom &
Dad waiting at the exit sign!


Look at this tall
scarecrow in the
pumpkin patch.

1st US states fair - Jacob
studied CT. We learned
a lot! Fun facts: Pez is made
in Orange, CT. 1st lollipop
machine opened in CT.

Award for the best
cotton gin model.
It was made of LEGOs.
He was so surprised
when they called his state!

Happy 34th, Dad!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Confessions of a good mom, bad mom

The kids and I were in the car, running our usual Thursday activities - library, storytime, school work, then off to lunch and Wal-Mart. I was listening to the radio and I heard this quote "True life change comes from knowing the truth." It hit me, it moved my spirit to think of so many people who need that truth - the truth of Jesus' saving freedom! The kids starting talking to me, so I turned the radio down and moved on down the highway. After I returned home my sister Aprille had sent me the daily devotional Crosswalk. I started to not even read it - too busy you see...but my spirit told me: "read". So I did. It was about being a good mom versus a bad mom. Example: I handled an early morning whine with lots of patience and love: GOOD MOM! Snapped in anger at the kids b/c they were tired and fighting in the afternoon: BAD MOM! Well, It isn't about good and bad - moms have good and bad moments (might I add that my kids have good and bad moments, too!) As I thanked the Lord for such a nice encouragement, I began to think about all that I had read and heard during the day.

I am not a good OR bad mom - The truth is - I am a mom who needs Jesus everyday of her life, every moment. Without HIM - without HIS TRUTH (had I heard something about truth today?) - I am a wreck, a mess; I believe I am in condemnation. That is what we do to ourselves when we "mess up" in our life, with our children, with our relationships. So the truth is not only for the lost, but for me, too. I pray that the Lord will show me any way in me that is not of Him.

Heavenly Father, Shine your light of truth on me each day through your Word and the Holy Spirit. Change those old habits, hang-ups, and sins with your truth. Give me freedom. I gladly take it. Freedom from condemnation, freedom from always having to be right, freedom from being "perfect". I could go on and on...John 17:17 Jesus prays, "Sanctify them by the truth, your Word is truth." And our Lord and Savior Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. God bless you today!

Friday, September 26, 2008

First Grade Fun

This is Jacob's first grade class at his tutorial - Shepherd's Heart. It is a wonderful Christian school and it is a good break from our homeschool. His teacher is in the back - Ms Kristin and Jacob is sitting on the floor on the far right. Can you guess who they learned about that day? Johnny Appleseed, those are pots on their heads! They were so cute. Jacob wore his around the house for a while.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Laura Rose said...

"Daddy, when you get little you can swing in this baby swing..."

"I am talking like a man!" (She was trying to clear her throat and still talk.)

Jacob said...

"Mom, you know everything!" (Commented after we learned all about the state of Connecticut.)

"So, Adam and Eve started all of this?" (After we discussed the first people, first sin, etc...)

"I guess MawMaw was too busy to learn how to drive." (My grandmother never learned to drive.)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Homeschool and headaches

Per request from my sweet sister, I am going to update my blog today. Hopefully we will get some new pictures on here soon. I have been a little overwhelmed the last few weeks with homeschooling. And no, homeschooling is not giving me a headache...well..maybe it has contributed to it a little. But I do have this cold/sinus stuff and my head hurts! Teaching over a very LOUD 3 year old while coughing and sneezing is not fun, maybe I should have a sick day. Do homeschool moms get those? I'll check my contract. lol
We have been learning about the solar system (did you know that there is no atmosphere on Mercury and the sky is always black w/ a bright white sun? God our creator - awesome.) and a state every week - Colorado was this week(did you know that there is an atomic clock that keeps perfect time in Denver?) Jacob is doing well- he started his Monday homeschool tutorial last week. His teacher is Ms Kristin and she is great. He really likes her. Jason is leading our chapel worship time on Monday mornings and of course the kids think that is so neat. Laura Rose has learned almost all of her letters in the last couple of weeks. I was surprised to realize how many of the letters she knew! Jason and I went on a date last week. We went to see "Fiddler on the Roof" at our Center for the Arts here in Murfreesboro. It was a great show(3 hours long). The lead guy played a perfect Tevye. Aunt Julie watched the kids for us, and as we were leaving Laura Rose said, "when I get bigger can I go to a play?" Tonight we are going to see "Honk, Jr" - the ugly duckling story. I think they will like it. The director is our children's librarian, Mr Roy, and a sweet friend named Ms Rhonda painted the set.
Are you ready for some more useless trivia? Yesterday Sept 18 was national cheeseburger day. The first cheeseburger was served in Denver, CO in 1935. We are celebrating cheeseburger day at Dairy Queen tonight and thought it was neat that we were studying CO this week, too.
Well, Jacob is aggravating me b/c he wants to play on the computer. God Bless.

Friday, September 5, 2008

My baby girl, Laura Rose is 3

I can hardly believe that is has been nearly 4 years since my journey began with bringing Laura Rose into this world - for those of you that do not know...I will tell a little of this story. It was Dec 31, 2004. I knew I just had to be expecting, took a test and yes, I was. My little Jacob was 2 1/2 and my whole world. I began to be anxious about the pregnancy, remembering the hard time I had with Jacob. Could it possibly be worse? About a week or so later I was already in and out of the hospital with morning sickness so severe (hyperemesis) I could no longer work, drive, take care of Jacob, and barely even take a shower by myself. It was a long, exhaustive road with so many trips to the emergency room, hospital and weekly visits to the OB/GYN. Oh yeah, and weekly deliveries from medical supply companies and a visit from a very sweet home health nurse. Will never forget the fun of checking my blood sugar twice a day and the occasional panic attack. (All the while, Mom & I are trying to potty train Jacob and the house flooded) This went on for about 4 1/2 months - a little over half of my pregnancy. I never did get over the nausea, but eventually could take care of my family again. Laura Rose was born September 1st, 2005 - and I hate to say it, but even my delivery was a little rough. But she has been worth every doctor visit, every moment of nausea, every trip to the bathroom to lose what little bit of food I could get down that day.

It was one of the hardest times of my life and Jason's. Jason was so strong. We could not have made it without the help of family - My Mom, especially (thank you Dad for letting her move to TN for a while) - also my sister and Jason's Mom came to stay with us and help. Our church family brought meal after meal, and gave us so much encouragement. I learned a lot about suffering and how to really be still before my Father in Heaven. I learned how to accept help, and let go of my pride.

To my children, whom I love with all my heart, who have been worth it all. I would go through it all again if I had to. To my Jason, who sat by the bed and sang hymns to me during my times of depression - I love you! I will never forget that.


Monday, August 25, 2008


As fathers we sometimes have expectations of where our kids need to be at a certain age, whether it is based on what we were doing at their age, or what other kids their age are doing now. If you are not careful the latter can quickly turn into an unhealthy competition and place unnecessary pressure on your kids. I fell into that a short while back when Jacob turned a year older and I felt that he should have already learned to ride his bike without his training wheels. Of course I ignored the fact that I was inconsistent on practicing with him often and I was not setting a good example for him to learn. God taught me a good lesson through that.

God taught me by His example that consistency, compassion and patience goes a lot farther than unnecessary pressure and ungrounded expectations. God is persistent in His pursuit of us, He has compassion because He died for us and He is so patient because He knows we will make mistakes. He is so faithful to forgive.

Jacob is now riding his bike without training wheels and he has a proud father that has learned to meet his son where he is. Not waiting impatiently at the finish line for him to arrive.

"The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." Galatians 5:6

Sunday, August 24, 2008

From caterpillars to butterflies...

Early one morning, a few weeks ago, I went out to cut some of my flat parsley & oregano for my spaghetti sauce. Sitting on my parsley, having a nice meal were these beautiful caterpillars. I took a few of them and put them in our insect cage. The kids and I made sure to feed the greedy little things at least twice a day. We ended up with 4 chrysalis. Over the last week all four of the butterflies have emerged with beautiful black, yellow and blue wings. So exciting! The last one to emerge was still trying out his wings. He let us hold him while he "dried" out. He finally flew away.

We are all doing very well. Jacob had his first chance to do a little local mission work. He & Jason helped our college ministry do "We-Haul". Helping college students move into the dorms, inviting them to our church, and passing out water to the thirsty. His favorite part was finding the dorm room number. It was a great experience and he wants to go back & help next year.

Laura Rose will soon be 3, on Sept. 1st. Can hardly believe it! We are planning a little party with friends at the park this week. She is really a sweet girl. She is lively, that is for sure. I have to tell you this - she is just as smart as her brother! We have the US map hanging up for our school and she points to Orlando and says, "there is Disney World." THEN she points to Idaho and Delaware and says, "this is the Daddy (Idaho) and this is the baby (Delaware)". The shape of the states are very similar, Idaho is big and Delaware is little. Isn't that so smart?

Our bible verse for this week: Don't just listen to the Word, do what it says. James 1:22

We are starting our unit study on space this week. Hoping to visit the planetarium in Nashville really soon for our first field trip for this school year.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad!

Celebrated my Dad's 58th birthday Friday. Happy birthday Dad! We love you! Jason and Daddy(or "diddy" like I used to say when I was a little girl) spent Saturday at the Country Music Hall of Fame. Had a wonderful time. Laura Rose and Nana share a birthday - September 1st, so those two exchanged gifts, also. MawMaw just returned from a 5 week stay in Alaska with my Uncle. She was glad to be here but very tired. Everyone left to return to Alabama this morning. I had to work at the church for a little while this morning - so Jason was my "substitute" teacher. He was really impressed with Jacob's focus and quick completion of his work. He is a good student. Well, he has pretty good teachers! Love to all.

Our bible verse for the week: Matthew 7:7 Ask and it will be given to you, Seek and you will find, Knock and it will be opened to you.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

First week of First Grade

Does it look like we have been working hard at first grade? We had a much needed break today and went swimming w/ Ms. Ashly - (thanks for the pics, Ashly). Jacob is doing great. I can see how he has matured and can stay on task! Laura Rose loves her "preschool" worksheets and enjoys being a part of school, too.

This week we have learned about the Olympics. We made torches and Olympic flags. We will be watching the opening ceremonies and also having some obstacle course fun with our torches tomorrow. I am feeling so great about this year. I am really learning to lean on the Lord more and more! I cannot do this by myself, I need HIM! Please pray for us as we begin our homeschool journey at "Taylor Academy" 08-09.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

My sweet kids

We were riding along in the car and Laura Rose exclaimed "I see TOYS FOR US!" (Instead of Toys R Us) Ain't she sweet? She looked confused when we all laughed.

My sweet little boy Jacob is so tender-hearted I have to tell you that last night at church he was watching "Adventures in Odyssey". The story was something about an abandoned baby - the teacher said he was just fighting back the tears. Jason and I feel so strongly that the Lord has something special for our loving, compassionate son. In a world that tells you to be tough, think only of yourself, he is different. Please join us to pray that he know early in life what God wants him to do and the person He wants him to be!

Love to all! Check out my blog list, some good news from some friends adopting a son from Guatemala & update on PASSION world tour!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

God's business is changing situatons...

Okay, so I am previewing some of Beth Moore's DANIEL bible study b/c I will begin leading it in Sept. at church. Had to share this! In Daniel 6 verses 16 & 17 Daniel is thrown into the lion's den. End of verse 17 is so cool - they put a stone in front of the den w/ the king's signet -"so that Daniel's situation might not be changed" (v. 17). Well...we all know that that did not stop the Lord. Just as in the New Testament (some 500 yrs later) a certain stone was rolled in front of a tomb with guards placed out front...that did not stop my Savior from conquering the grave. Praise Him!

"You do NOT have the ONE situation God cannot change."
- Beth Moore

Do you have a situation that needs changing? We all do. The Lord can do it. The Lord will do it if we ask in His will! Persistently pray.

"HE (God) rescues and saves, He performs signs and wonders, in the heavens and on the earth! He has rescues Daniel from the power of the lions." Daniel 6:27 (said by King Darius next morning we he sees Daniel has been rescued by the one true God. )

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Great Article on handling stress.

I found this article on stress that is very helpful. I encourage everyone to read it. It is a reality of life but it can be controlled. Don't let it control you.

Stress and Your Marriage

“I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your statutes. I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.” Psalm 119:59-60

Society tells us “Don’t just stand there. Do something!”
But God says, “Don’t just do something. Stand there!” -Henry Blackaby

In Christ,

What are trying to say Jason - are you stressed in your marriage? - Just kidding!
Very good article. -Christie

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lunch Lady Love

Early this morning Jason was leaving for work and he told the kids , "Come and hug your Dad so I can make it through the day." Jacob and Laura Rose rushed over to give hugs and kisses. Then, Jason turned around and Laura Rose was giving Jason's lunch bag a big hug. So when Jason ate his smashed sandwich and crumbly chips - he thought of his sweet Laura Rose, the lady who gave his lunch some love.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Hot Diggity Dog...

July 23 is National Hot Dog day. Bet you did not know that! So go get a Sonic foot long coney or a slaw dog w/ mustard like my sis Aprille likes it. Yummy.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Introducing Payton...

Praying fervently for God to allow Payton to become a part of our family! He is a super cute 3- year old, who will soon be the son of my sister, Aprille(pictured w/ Payton) and her husband, Donnie. We love you Payton (& Aprille & Donnie) and cannot wait to meet you face to face. Jason & I are excited about being an uncle & aunt. Jacob says, "we should have a big party for Payton." YES, we should and we will!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Got milk?

Did you know that Tuesday, July 15th is cow appreciation day? We will be dining at Chick-Fil-A after Jacob's ballgame to celebrate. I asked the kids this morning, what else can we do to show cows our appreciation? Very seriously, Jacob looked at me and said..."we could drive around and find some cows, then get out of the car and say thank you to them."


"I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word, I put my hope.
My soul waits for the Lord, more than the watchmen wait for the morning,
More than the watchmen wait for the morning." Psalm 130:5-6

Are you waiting? Are you like the watchmen, waiting in the darkness for that first sign of dawn? That first little gleam of light? Piercing through the dark - He will shine. Wait on the Lord. Tell your soul, heart and mind over and over again - that your hope is in the Lord & in His Word. Believe Him.

We love our family so much. Thank you, God, for each and every one of them.
(Also read 2 Peter 3:9 - good stuff!)

Batter Up!

Okay, Jacob had a baseball game Saturday and Monday - he hit the ball BOTH games & made it to home plate! He was so excited. He told Jason tonight (Monday) - "when I hit that ball it made me feel super-special!"
That is my little boy. He is such a blessing! Laura Rose & I were good cheerleaders! Two more games - one Tuesday & Saturday. Pray for a hit! (Update: Jacob hit the ball BOTH games! Thank you Lord!)

Friday, July 11, 2008

Laura Rose says...

"Dear God, thank you for my tiny, little Sprite." (said this at our beach picnic when Nana gave her an 8oz can of Sprite.)

Jacob says...

"I am glad to have my whole family back together again."

Home from Bama

Hello to all from home, back in Tn. Good to be home, but miss Bama alot. We had sooo much fun with our family. It was hard to say good-bye to MawMaw as she left for Alaska & it was hard to tell Nana & PawPaw good bye. (Gran came back to TN with us- good company in the car!) We had a nice 4th of July. The kids spent the day with Gran in Leroy and then had hamburgers at Nana's. A bad storm came and we braved leaving to watch the fireworks. We waited, they finally began, then they malfunctioned and we could not see them at all! Thanks a lot city of Jackson. On Monday the 6th, we were off to Gulf Shores. It was a beautiful day! We found sea shells, played in the waves and I even caught a fish with a net. Jacob & Laura Rose were imitating the fish's mouth. Cute. Then it was off to the "Wild Woody" racetrack. Jacob and I stayed in the lead the whole time - PawPaw, well, in his words "my cart had a hard time getting up the hill." :) We love you Paw-Paw - you big kid! Laura Rose and Nana cheered us on from the sidelines. We went to see WALL-E, AGAIN. Then on to Logan's for some must needed food. The kids were so tired but I am proud of their behavior. They held up well on that busy day! AL is a lot of fun!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Pictures from Grans on the 4th

Gran sent these pictures of Jacob and Laura today. Looks like they are having fun. I miss them very much.


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pool, Mater's, broken sink???

Today is a hot one! Yikes! We got up early and the kids played in the pool. Nana sprayed them with the water hose, and they loved that. Then we rested a while and went to lunch at Mater's. We had some fried green tomatoes - yummy. Took pictures of the alligators out front with the tomatoes in their mouth. (One of them was eating Snow White, too. Laura Rose's face was so cute when she saw that!) When we were leaving Mater's Mom took Laura Rose to the bathroom. They were taking a while so I went to check on them. I walked in and mom looked so upset! While they were in the bathroom the sink broke - like fell on the floor! Oh dear...After all of that, the kids and I secretly went to WalMart and bought Nana some flowers. We planted them , hope she will like them. They are purple and white vinca. Easy to grow. The kids are resting right now and will be visiting with their Gran tomorrow morning.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Well, we made it to AL and are having a good time. Spent one night in B'ham w/ Autie Aprille. (There's a party on Farley, is you good???) Then on to Jackson & Leroy to see the grandmas & grandpas. The kids are having a good time. We going to eat at a diner tomorrow called "Mater's". The kids and I are headed to Leroy to see Gran & Papa tonight for a a few hours. Miss you Jason!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

WALL E...............Woah!

Well, this how our Saturday went. We had to get up early and Jacob and I (Dad) went to our baseball game against the Nationals. Jacob did well but I am afraid that we have been shut out of the playoffs. Ha Ha. Then Laura Rose and Christie went to Laura's best friend Grace Ann's Birthday party. Then that evening we went to see WALL E. Our friends Tyler & Ashly met us there. I highly recommend the movie. Went to Red Robin for dinner, the kids were a little crazy during dinner- sorry Tyler & Ashly.

Tomorrow Christie, Jacob and Laura Rose will be going to Alabama to visit family. I will miss them but they will have fun.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Jesus gives us the power to tell others about God VBS Day 5

We made it! We fought the good fight! We are done w/ VBS for 2008. Had a great week. Today we studied about the Holy Spirit (tough stuff to teach to kindergarten). Did the best I could and they seemed to be listening. Had a couple of questions about Jesus dying on the cross & how does that "take away" our sin. Laura Rose & Jacob are soooo tired. Jacob prayed before bed tonight for God to help him do well in baseball & to be brave when we watch Wall-E tomorrow. Let you know how our Saturday goes! :) (Jacob's shirt is soaked from REC - they had a super soaker!)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Jesus gives us the power to live forever VBS day 4

Hi again from "Power Lab". Today's story was about Jesus dying for our sins. Our kindergarten kids placed their "sin" on the cross. They were very solemn and serious (not so serious in the picture, as you can see). It was so precious. We are all very tired and ready for some rest. But we have one more day of fun! (Thank the Lord - do not know how much more fun I can take!) Jacob has ball practice Friday & a game at 8 am Sat. Then Laura Rose's friend Grace Ann is having her 3rd b-day party & then we are going to see Wall-E. Sounds like a lot of fun, hope the kids can hang in there! (We beat the 5th graders and won the game during worship rally - go Skylar, Breaton & Katie!)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Jesus gives us the power to be brave VBS day 3

Hi again from the "Power Lab" VBS 2008! Today was all about that great disciple Peter and that miracle of Jesus & Peter walking on the water (Matt 14:22-33). Then our Powerful Savior saved Peter when he faltered and began to sink & then he STOPPED the wind! The wind obeyed Him. Whoa. Take that in!
The little kindergarten boys were so quick to say they were not afraid of anything. Of course, I know that that is not true. We all have fears, worries, sometimes down right panicked! Today during worship we lifted our hands and prayed to release a fear to the Lord. I looked around during the prayer and was so touched at all of those little hands reaching up to Him, so precious! Jacob had a good day - he took his Webkinz puppy Leroy - the black "lab" to be our mascot for the day. Laura Rose saw me across the room in craft today and smiled so big and yelled "Mama, come here! Come where I am!" It was so sweet. Ms. Ashly & Ms Lacey took some cute pics of the kids. Going to try to remember the camera tomorrow. We will be presenting the gospel to the kids tomorrow, please pray for open hearts (&listening ears). Also, Pray for us as KB is competing in the challenge during the worship rally tomorrow - hope we can beat those 5th graders!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Jesus gives us the power to help others Day 2 VBS

Another great day at VBS! We learned about how to help others. We read the story about Jesus healing the blind man with the mud He made with His spit. He is so awesome. He is so powerful. He was, He is, & is to come! Jacob & Laura Rose had a great day. We went swimming with some friends and had a wonderful time. They swam for 3 straight hours. We had prune hands & feet. They were in bed tonight by 7:30. Resting up for another busy day of "Power Lab". Bye!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Jesus gives us the power to be thankful VBS day 1

Aren't those two cute in their goggles??? Thankfulness - that was the "point" for the day at our Science Lab VBS. Jacob is my kindergarten class and we had a busy, but very fun day! Some of the kids put dots on themselves and played the part of the lepers in our story(Luke 17:11-19). They were "quarantined" and then acted out the story of Jesus healing them. We also did an experiment w/ vinegar, soap and baking soda and our heart "overflowed" with thankfulness. The kids loved it and I had fun, too. Laura Rose had a good day, I saw her at craft time and she was doing fine. She is in a really good class. We look forward to our day tomorrow! Time for some much needed rest!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

HE is mighty to save

The Lord your God is with you
HE is MIGHTY to save!
He will take great delight in you;
He will quiet you with His love;
He will rejoice over you with singing!
Zep. 3:17
This is for you, Mom and Dad (&Travis). We love you!
All of our love and prayers go with you. We have such a mighty friend in the Lord - "He calls me friend" - how awesome is that? He is hurt when we are hurting. Be comforted today. Remember He hears the groanings of our hearts (Rom 8:26), when the pain is too much for words.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Beautiful Day

Today the Lord gave us a beautiful day to enjoy! We went to the park and went for a walk (Jacob rode his bike.) Our friend Ms. Ashly from church hung out w/ us, too. It was a fun time! After all the fun, we had to go to WALMART. Oh boy, was that a time. I knew the kids were tired so I prayed for patience several times in the store. Poor Laura Rose had an accident and I had to go and get paper towels to clean the floor. Thank goodness I am a smart Mom and had a change of clothes, but her shoes were soaked. I had flashbacks (to the late 70s, early 80s) of being in Delchamps with no shoes on! Laura Rose and Jacob thought it was so funny that she did not have shoes on in the store - she did of course sit in the cart and did not walk. It is always an adventure with these two. They are so preciuos and I am so blessed - just a few minutes ago they were wearing crowns and dancing together "playing prince and princess" - Jacob's words. How I hope to remember to treasure those moments - b/c they will be screaming at each other before bed tonight, guaranteed! I love this blog, it is like a little diary. Even if noone reads it - I like to write about my day - keeps things in perspective. Makes me think of the good and what my Mom tells me to always do - LAUGH MORE. (Good advice Mom). May the Lord bless you! Romans 12:1-2

The White Sox 1st game Sat, 6/14

Jacob had his first ballgame Saturday morning. We woke to drizzling rain, but the game was not cancelled. We loaded up and on the way it really began to rain hard. We got to the field and they called out all the teams names, Jacob "high-fived" his coaches when his name was called and then the bottom fell out - game cancelled. Oh well, early game this Saturday, hope for good weather.


Laura Rose said the funniest thing a few days ago. She was putting on her shoes and she said, "Dad, come here and tell me I have my shoes on the wrong feet!"

Water Play day

Jacob and Laura Rose had the best time w/ their buddies Isaac & Jonah yesterday(6/16). We had all four in a little kiddie pool and then they jumped on the trampoline w/ the sprinkler raining down on them. They were so cute! Enjoying summer very much, do not miss homeschool one bit. Going to the park today and riding bikes. Then on to WalMart, oh boy!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Check this out.
Cardboard Testimonies

The Kids

Jacob and Laura

The Taylor's first Blog

Hello all,
I just started this blog and there will be more information to come.


Belle Aire Baptist Church